Why is listen to music good for human
Stress Regulation: We use music as a way to distract ourselves in stressful situations. ... Anger Regulation: Music can calm us down or even validate our emotions. We listen to music because we believe it helps us regulate our anger. Loneliness Regulation: Music helps us reduce our feelings of loneliness.
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फ्री गाना डाउनलोड करने के लिए निचे जाएँ

No person perceives music in exactly the same way. Bearing this in mind, one can say that every person is uniquely motivated to listen to music. People will also have specific reasons to listen to music. Some common reasons are:-
1. Enjoyment
2. Special emotion
3. Structural parts of the song which are preferred (chorus, beat, etc.)

5. To not get bored (after all, music stimulates the whole brain)
6. Social/Interpersonal bonding

Theoretically speaking, you can listen to any music at any time for any or no reason. Research by Jenny M. Groarke and Michael J. Hogan points to 11 important adaptive functions of music which describe the role music plays in our lives. Those factors are:
1. Stress Regulation: We use music as a way to distract ourselves in stressful situations. It helps us escape a situation and comfort us.
2. Anxiety Regulation: We believe music helps us regulate our anxiety and comfort us. Sometimes by increasing positive emotions, matching anxiety to music, distracting and comforting us, or even re-evaluating our thoughts.

4. Loneliness Regulation: Music helps us reduce our feelings of loneliness.
5. Rumination: We sometimes dwell and focus on anxious and sad thoughts because music lets us do so in a unique way.
6. Reminiscence: We remember our past experiences – good or bad – and dive into those with a small sense of reliving those memories.
7. Strong Emotional Experiences: We seek out profound emotional experiences through music.
8. Awe and Appreciation: Sometimes, listening to music is all about appreciating its beauty.
10. Identity Formation & Relatability: Music helps us express ourselves and develop an identity. This extends to a social identity shared by a larger group of people too (subcultures, genre-fans, musicians, etc.). It works as a social glue and a tether between people.
11. Sleep Aid: Many of us use music (songs, noise, and auditory podcasts) to help us sleep.
There is no doubt that most humans spend a lot of time listening to music. Music is clearly important to us. Neilson (a global measurement company) says that Americans are listening to 4.5 hours of music a day; another one says it’s 2 hours. Many others like me spend between 2 and 4 hours listening to something musical. So why is music so important to us?
Fun Fact: One of the oldest instrument known to man is a Flute made out of a vulture’s wing bone. It is at least 40,000 years old. Researchers consider the existence of instruments as a clear marker of advanced societies
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